A dokumentum önmagáért beszél: hatalmas forradalom és változás történt az egyházban [Apologéta: letért a Krisztusi úrtól és tanításról. Megtagadta Istent és önmagát, és a kétezer éven keresztül tanított evangéliumot.], mert a tegnapi ellenségeket ma új barátként kezeli. [Isten ellenségeit Isten barátainak tanítja]. Ez a forradalom felért Krisztus Egyházának a fejéig, a pápáig. A következőkben bemutatjuk a levél fordítását [Apologéta: angolra, de örömmel és szívesen fogadom, ha valaki lefordítja magyarra és elküldi a blog email címére. Előre is köszönöm szépen], melyet Gian Franco Pilloni nagymester írt Bergoglio pápának, alatta pedig egy másolat a Nagypáholy weboldaláról, majd néhány fotó a nagymesterről.
International Masonic News
The Most Serene Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Italy u.m.s.o.i. Gian Franco Pilloni writes a letter to Pope Francis
We publish the copy of the whole letter that the Most Serene Grand Master Gian Franco Pilloni wrote to Pope Francis
The letter per se is a historical fact because it is the first time that a Grand Master has written to the Pope in order to create an ease in relations between the two organizations, Catholic and Freemason, whose relationships have not been tranquil. The Grand Master stresses the fact that the two organizations are not antagonistic, on opposite sides; in many fields they share similar thinking, such as on the majority of social problems in todays world.
To: Your Holiness
Pope Francis
In his Seat in Rome
Extremely touched and with great joy, I address Your Holiness to make a humble request to put an end to the divisions in the relationship between the Catholic Church and Freemasonry, with the hope that, finally, a just peace may reign between the two organizations, doing away with the differences that still raise a wall today between our relationship.
I would like to tell you, Your Holiness, that we are not an organization adverse to the Catholic Church, worthily represented by you, but rather the contrary. Our roads are parallel: In fact we think like you regarding all the problems that afflict contemporary society; like you, we long for a world of peace with respect for each human being without distinction of any kind and absolute respect for all religions.
Your Holiness, the position that the Church has taken and still takes penalizes the Masonic brothers of Catholic belief, obliging them to profess the faith while being marginalized in the Church, made to feel like intruders or less desirable faithful.
I appeal to you, Your Holiness, a man of extraordinary human qualities, to put an end to this injustice that for centuries has penalized millions of Freemasons around the world. Allow me to remind you that the Masons take a oath on the Holy Bible and that in our Temples we work for the elevation of the spirit and the improvement of the individual.
Personally, I consider myself a good Christian, maintaining an excellent relationship with the Christian community in the area where I was born (Jerzu) and with the same Diocese of Ogliastra, heartily helping however I can the Holy Catholic Church, the only eternal salvation.
I believe in the good of Creation through the way, the truth and the life taught by Jesus in the Gospel, because this broad concept, if it were applied, would be the pearl of creation. I have tried with the brotherhood of man to build an opus caritate(work of love) focused above all on Christian teaching; given the role that I am honored to have [of Grand Master of Freemasonry], I have met many people with analogous Christian characteristics and true values of subsidiarity turned toward the worlds social good, global peace, charity (these noble and mysterious concepts are not accomplished because of the lack of a first spark of charity). After careful study and workshops, I found this treasure separated from the world and deliberately kept well hidden called Freemasonry, the Grand Lodge of Italy u.m.s.o.i. (founded by Armando Corona) and recognized by the Grand Orient of the American Lodges, of which I am part. As Grand Master I wish it to be a golden key to open the channel for a real and tangible collaboration with the Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church.
I ask of Your Holiness an effort to completely eliminate outdated intolerance toward us, publicly, by accepting me in response to this request: Transform our temples into Temples of Peace, meeting houses, places of witness of the highest and most elevated sentiments of solidarity and brotherhood of man, and an admirable example of exceptional abnegation to you: with select and proven civic religious, spiritual and cultural virtues practiced by the Catholic Apostolic and Roman faith and (through our Baptism) by all of us.
I hope and await a meeting with you. It would be for me not only a honor but a great thrill to be able to speak to you personally on the topics expressed here. To this end I place myself at your total disposition for any event.
Magisterial Seat of Cagliari, September, 9, 2013
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Italy u..m.s.o.i.
The Most Serene Gian Franco Pilloni
Gian Franco Pillioni nagymester ceremoniális részvétele Törökországban, Olaszországban és az USA-ban |